
Perfect Mini Pavlovas

Mini Pavlovas are a beautiful, bite sized dessert for any occasion. Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. You can fill them with just whipped cream or can fill with lemon curd(which I like) or even a mousse!




4 egg Whites

1 cup white sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

1 tsp white vinegar

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp corn starch

pinch of fine salt

Whipped Cream:

1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream

2 Tbsp fine white sugar

1 tsp gelatin

23 tsp water

Lemon Curd:

3 eggs

1 cup white sugar

1/3 cup lemon juice

1/4 cup butter

2 tsp lemon zest

berries for topping

crushed pistachios


Preheat oven to 225F

Line baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.


Add egg whites to bowl of your mixer, add a pinch of salt and mix on high speed until they become foamy(about 1 minute).  With mixer running gradually add your sugar and beat for about 9-10 minutes until stiff peaks form. Mixture should be thick, glossy and smooth.

Fold in your vanilla, corn starch and cream of tartar.

Put meringue into a piping bag, you can use tip of your choice or even cut the end of bag off. Pipe onto parchment paper in circle 2″ apart.

Indent each pavlova with a teaspoon to allow for a filling.

Bake for about 1 hour, maybe 15mins more. Turn off the oven and leave in there overnight.

The outside will be dry, crispy and off white.

Lemon Curd – can be made day in advance

Whisk eggs, sugar, and lemon juice in a double boiler over simmering water until mixed well, then continue to stir until thick, 7 to 10 minutes.

Drain through a mesh sieve to get rid of lumps. Fold in butter until well incorporated. Mix in lemon zest. Cover curd and chill in the refrigerator until it has thickened, about 4 hours.

Whipped Cream – make day of use

In a medium bowl add your cream and sugar and beat until it forms stiff peaks, around 3-4 mins.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water then add to cream beat for another 10 -15 seconds. This helps to make a thicker cream which is easier to pipe and will not get soggy as fast.

For assembly spoon your lemon curd into the centre on the meringues. Pipe or spoon on the whipped cream.  Top with crushed pistachios and berries.