Simple Fresh Food

Winter blues so off to Hawaii for sun and tropical eats

Ahhh, the time of year where we head to a sunny spot.  The rain has been coming down for couple months, it’s been dark, gray and wet.  So off we went to our favourite place in the world! KAUAI

I have been going to Hawaii with my family since I was 13.  We went for Christmas for a couple years then then mom and dad started going for a month and my sister and I would come for a week or so.  Nice for them.  It has now been 34 years of going every year, it feels like home to me.

My husband (Brian) and I spent the last 3 weeks on Kauai, it has become our favourite of the islands.  We do try to go to different areas and islands most years but Kauai has this magical feel to it for us.

Of course I love to cook so picking up some local ingredients and cooking up some great dinners is a must.  This year was Huli Huli Ono w/coconut rice.

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Macadamia Nut Mahi Mahi w/Pineapple Avacado salsa

Those are just a couple of our favourites from the islands.

Hope you will try making them too or at least order them if you are in Hawaii!!! They will not disappoint!
