Simple Fresh Food

Growing and harvesting Radishes from seed – first harvest

Growing and harvesting Radishes from seed – first harvest

Nothing tastes better than picking your own grown vegetables. My husband and I built a little vegetable garden in your back yard three years ago(ok he did most of the building) but I did my share of cleaning the plot.  The past few years has been trial and error, see what grows best and what needs more space etc. This year the Radishes have done better than ever. Radishes are one of the easiest grow from seed and also one of the first to be able to eat!

You can grow them in raised beds or containers, I have had good luck in containers this year.  Plant one inch apart with twelve inches between the rows.  Once they start to grow make sure too thin them over crowding will make a weak radishes. You can plant new seeds every 10-14 days this will give you a good harvest in the late spring and early summer.

Make sure to keep the soil moist Radishes are sensitive to fluctuations in moisture and dry Radishes become pungent.


Radishes grow fairly quick but sometimes not as quickly as you my read on the seed package. Don’t be impatient, wait until your radishes are actually ready. Check your roots to see if ready small roots can be recovered with soil and allowed to develop. Pull mature radishes out of the ground, pulling gently at the base of the greens usually they come out easily. Give them a shake and rinse of the soil and that’s it!  Ready to enjoy them.

I like them on their own or diced up into a fresh salad.  Here are the first ones of the year!

Growing Radishes