Simple Fresh Food

Category: Frankie’s Favs

Hassleback Chicken Cordon Blue

Hassleback Chicken Cordon Blue

A great baked chicken dinner recipe to use right away or freeze for a fast and healthy meal. This recipe I made 8 chicken breasts, cooked two and froze 6. When you are ready to use them you simple take however many you want to 

Garlicky Chicken

Garlicky Chicken

Crunchy Garlicky Chicken is a simple chicken dish with a bite. Adding olives gives it a nice saltiness. I like to make extra for lunch w/a nice salad. Enjoy!

Baby Frankie loves her heater

Baby Frankie loves her heater

Hi, I am Frankie, the Frenchton.  If you don’t know what a Frenchton is, it is a mix of a Boston Terrier and French Bulldog.  This is me as a baby, only 4 1/2 months.   I used to sit here and rest my chin and