Simple Fresh Food

About Me

Welcome Everyone!

I love to make a mess in the kitchen, am passionate about making good food that puts a smile on everyones face. On my site, I share my recipes along with my love for travelling, my garden, photography and of course my pup and her favourite things, Frankie the Frenchton.

I am a self taught Cook, baker, traveller & photographer living in beautiful Vancouver, BC. Travelling has taught me so much about life and given me the chance to see beautiful places and take amazing cooking classes in many of those places.  I believe that cooking should be fun and recipes, flexible. Many mess ups happen but it’s ok all part of trying new things.

My husband and I built a veggie garden a few years ago, it is so exciting seeing things grow and then pick them fresh!  Frankie loves her fresh peas  and tomatoes!  We eat all kinds of foods but tend to lean to mainly vegetarian meals.  As for the baking, well cannot say it is all good for you but it sure tastes great!

Cooking can be fun, rewarding and relaxing and I hope that I can inspire you to feel the same. Just pour a glass of good wine, turn up your favourite music and go experiment, don’t be afraid to fail it’s all part of the fun!

XO, Karen

Our favourite place